Monday, April 14, 2008

Crock pot bread~~~ Who knew???

I read on Delphi forums that you can make bread in your crockpot. This Amazing Woman has a whole website to crockpotting. (Okay, her bread looks better then mine but she's like a professional or something)
First, please know, I'm no cook. I don't like cooking-hey! after years of food making me so sick, why would I care for cooking? I have too many issues! But this one I had to try.
It was like using a cake mix. I threw the stuff in the bowl, electric mixer (and I don't have one of those fancy-schmancy mixers, I used the little hand held one) flopped it all into a greased bread pan and placed it in the crock. I vented the top with a chopstick and poof! Three hours later we were munching on some really good bread!
So, give it a try!
And check out the Crockpot Lady, she's got some great ideas.


Stephanie ODea said...

yayay! I'm so happy that it worked!

bwahahahahahahaha on the 'professional'--I am so not. I don't even want to pretend to play one on the internet.
I'm just a regular ol' mom who likes her crockpot a little too much. :-)

I am THRILLED that this worked for you! I don't have a fancy mixer either. I keep thinking I want one...


Aimlesswriter said...

Thanks again for such a great idea. I was dancing as I cut the bread last night! lol, its funny, the things that excite a Celiac! lol