Monday, April 14, 2008

Gluten Free Pizza! Morgano's

The menu from Morgano's in Middltown. The owner says he can convert most of the stuff on his menu to Gluten Free.
If you click on the picture it should get big enough to read.
Happy dining!

Crock pot bread~~~ Who knew???

I read on Delphi forums that you can make bread in your crockpot. This Amazing Woman has a whole website to crockpotting. (Okay, her bread looks better then mine but she's like a professional or something)
First, please know, I'm no cook. I don't like cooking-hey! after years of food making me so sick, why would I care for cooking? I have too many issues! But this one I had to try.
It was like using a cake mix. I threw the stuff in the bowl, electric mixer (and I don't have one of those fancy-schmancy mixers, I used the little hand held one) flopped it all into a greased bread pan and placed it in the crock. I vented the top with a chopstick and poof! Three hours later we were munching on some really good bread!
So, give it a try!
And check out the Crockpot Lady, she's got some great ideas.