Monday, April 14, 2008

Gluten Free Pizza! Morgano's

The menu from Morgano's in Middltown. The owner says he can convert most of the stuff on his menu to Gluten Free.
If you click on the picture it should get big enough to read.
Happy dining!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ordered a medium size Gluten Free pizza and he gave me a small size Gluten Free pizza and charged me the price of the Medium size. He charged me $16.59 for a small size Gluten Free Pizza. That is what he charges for a medium size pizza. I called him to let him know that I was not happy that he overcharged me. During our conversation he said that the Medium size pizza is 12 inches. The box size is 10 inches. How could a 12 inch pizza fit into a 10 inch box? He claimed that the Medium size pizza could fit into the small size box. He offered no remorse for scamming his customer.
I have been a customer of Morgano’s for a long time. I will never go back. They are overpriced anyway. I hear that a gluten free restaurant will be going into Red Bank anyway.
The owner ripped me off.