Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Healthy Websites for Celiacs

Celiac Disease has made me even more passionate about healthy eating. Because of the damage that was no doubt done to my digestive system for the 40 years before my diagnoses if I'm going to eat something I want it to be the best choices I can possibly make.

So if you're looking for healthy sites with good information about what to eat and what not to eat here's a few of my favorites;

Food Babe: This site covers all kinds of things as the "Food Babe" investigates what's in our food. It talks about GMO's, Protein Powders, Juicing, and also has a section for recipes. Although I've only discovered this site a little bit ago, I'd say its one of the best on the web for those who want to eat healthier.

The Eat Clean Diet:  This site is not gluten free but does give great food choices without chemicals, preservatives or additives. The books she sells on the site do have a gluten free option in it's diet lists. It's a healthy natural diet the way God intended food to be. 

The Gluten Free Vegan; A great site that definitely understands gluten, cross contamination issues and how to create healthy and gluten free vegan meals. 

And of course our basic Celiac sites;

Celiac Disease Foundation:  If you have a question about living with Celiac Disease you'll find the best answers right here. This site explains the disease, how to cope and everything else you need to live the Gluten free lifestyle. 

Celiac.com:  This site is another excellent GF Celiac site for understanding and living with the disease. 

Celiac Central:  This site is newer than some of the other Celiac sites but all the information is there in clear and concise articles. 

Celiac Disease Delphi Forum; This site used to be one of my favorites and helped me a lot when I went GF over 10 years ago. Then the moderators removed a post they disagreed with that I thought was good information that people needed to know. They felt the information was false and deleted the post. It was regarding that some wine is stored in wooden kegs that are sealed with flour. The poster thought that people should be aware of this and make their own decisions as to whether or not to consume that type of wine. The moderators were adamant that this wheat flour did not end up in the finished product and removed the post. Personally I felt they were imposing their own views on everyone else and that was wrong. A person should be able to make their own decision regarding this risk. Personally, I won't drink wine aged in a keg. I have enough problems without taking this needless risk. 
The fact that the moderators removed this post because they didn't agree with it, made me wonder what else they hide? 

Okay, those are some of my favorite healthy eating sites. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for these websites! I recently found out I need to eat gluten-free after I did some clinical trials for celiac disease in Cleveland, OH. It's going to be hard for me to change my diet, especially since bread is one of my favorite foods, but I'll do anything for my health. I also heard of a gluten free app. Do you know anything about that?

Unknown said...

I really loved reading through, this will help! I've had celiac disease for a while and I really appreciate info like this for clinical trials and celiac disease.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I participated in a few clinical trials for celiac disease near Cleveland, OH. I was then diagnosed with celiacs and now I feel so much better! I'm so glad that I went to the trials. http://www.rapidmedicalresearch.com/study-77-Celiac-Disease-

Aimlesswriter said...

Katysewell12- so glad you're feeling better! Thanks for the link.
