Saturday, June 24, 2023

Does it Say Gluten Free on the Label?

 I basically chug along eating mostly plain food and only things that have the magic words printed right on the label. 

"Gluten Free"

If not, I pass. Not because I don't trust most manufacturers but I'm really to busy to have 3 days of stomach problems and body aches to take a chance. Most stuff has an alternative gluten free version. (except fish sticks... can't find gluten free fish sticks in Florida)  

The other day my husband brought me shelled pistachio nuts from Costco. Kirkland brand. Yum! My favorite.... but wait! Those magic words were missing. Okay, the ingredients looked okay, but can I trust them? Shared equipment? Cross contamination? 

I usually buy Wonderful Pistachios. Those magic words are right there on the label. 

What to do? It was sooo nice of hubby to think of me and get me this giant bag of my favorite nuts but dare I try them? 

Google didn't help me. I searched for a site that would tell me they were guaranteed gluten free. I did find a few sites that said they were gluten free but no facts. No link to the manufacturers website, nothing .... well, official. Just other people saying they were GF. 

These nuts sat in my cabinet for two weeks just staring at me. 

Until finally, I gave in. Took the leap and snacked!

I'm happy to say I've been feeling fine. 

No symptoms I usually get when glutenated. No aches, pains or headaches. 

I just wish they'd put it on the label.